Lecture: "Mercado de Games: do Sonho à Realidade"
In July 2023, I and Rafael Okabe were called to the Campus Party, one of the biggest technology events in the world, in order to make a lecture about the games industry in Brazil.
The objective of this lecture is to comment about Brazil’s games industry and share tips and informations about how to start making games and start a carrer as a game developer.
In this lecture, we talked about how to start making games, in which specialities you can work in the game industry, in which cases it is or not necessary to make an specific college course of games, tips on how to improve, etc.
You can watch the lecture !
Exhibitor in BGS (Brasil Game Show) 2023
In October 2023, I and my team that created Scorchie Adventures displayed the game in Senac's stand in BGS.

Staff in Retro Games
In 2022, the Retro Games festival was hosted in Senac Santo Amaro. As a student of the college, I and some other students of the digital games course were selected to act as staffs for our college's stand. In the stand, some of the games created during the games course were exposed to the public, being one of these games one of mine, the Cyber Defender.