Based mainly on Celeste, "Scorchie Adventures" is a platformer game in which you play as Scorchie, a friendly and hyperactive will-o'-wisp who's able to pass through a variety of obstacles using their dash ability and fire properties.
This game was developed as a semester project in the Bachelor of Digital Games course.
In this project I was responsible for: Game Programming, Game Design, Tech Art and some of the pixel arts;

Programming Highlights
- Advanced Platformer Physics: In this project I created a physics system that is able to adapt itself to different kind of platformer games by changing it's various parameters. This system contains:
- Momentum;
- Movement with acceleration/deacceleration;
- Flexible Jump;
- Coyote Time;
- Jump and dash buffer time;
- Movement in inclined platforms;
- Dash with "Attack Time" (The player gets a smaller speed in the end of the dash);
- Dash Attack Time with lerp in the movement;
- Sleep Time when using Dash;
- UI Screen Stack system;
- Game States system;
- Save System with cryptography;
- Stage Blocks system, which handles the transitions in the stage and disables every object that's not inside the current part of the stage, optimizing the game's processing;
- Inputs Tips with automatic animations;
- Title Screen system;
- Object Pooling;
Other Skills Highlights
- Animations with pixel art and UI elements;
- See Through shader;
- Dissolve shader;
- Textures Pixelation shader;
- Post processing effects;
- Level Design (Stages 1, 2 and 5);
Platformer Physics
The physics system used in Scorchie Adventures is a system that was created with the aim of being a system that can adapt itself through different kinds of platformer games by changing it's parameters. In Scorchie Adventures, we didn't use all the features this system presents, since this system also have: Momentum, acceleration, deacceleration, wall slide, wall jump, double (or even more) jumps/dashs, sprint (running), slope movement.
All these mechanics can be noticed in the Decay Of Angels prototype project. (The video will be added here)
UI Screen Stack
The Screen Stack is a system responsible for handling the player's inputs focus in the game, making it possible to activate more than one screen at once without losing the focus of the inputs.
This system also helps handling the state of the game, since, when the stack is empty, it automatically switches the game to the Gameplay state and, when the stack have one or more screens, it switches to the Paused state.
Furthermore, this system also works as an asset, automatically setting up the buttons and screens in the game for the developers, being very friendly for members of the team that aren't Programmers, such as Game Designers, Artists and Tech Artists.
Save System
The Save System used in Scorchie Adventures is an encrypted save system created using the FileStream class in order to save the file and the Binary Formatter to encrypt the data.
Game States
The Game States system is responsible for handling the states of the game, such as the Gameplay state or the Pause state. By using this system, we can automatically pause or unpause the game by changing the states. Also, the Pause and Gameplay states are triggered depending if the Screen Stack is, respectively, empty or not.
Object Pooling
The object pooling is a design pattern algorithm that uses a queue of pre-initialized objects in order to save perfomance.