This game is a study project developed using Java (No game engine) in 2020.
I'm using this project as an example of some of the mechanics that I've learned to develop in Java during the year of 2020.
Programming Highlights
- Game Looping
- Rendering System and getting sprites from Spritesheets
- Player animations
- Key code events
- Tile system
- Mini map system
- Camera system
- Collision system
- Enemies AI
- Pathfinding with A*
- Cutscene
- Dialog system
- UI
- Menu system
- Sound system
- Encrypted Save System

Other Skills Highlights
- Pixel art
Game Looping (Ticking and Rendering)
A* (1/7)
A* (1/7)
A* (2/7)
A* (2/7)
A* (3/7)
A* (3/7)
A* (4/7)
A* (4/7)
A* (5/7)
A* (5/7)
A* (6/7)
A* (6/7)
A* (7/7)
A* (7/7)
Save System
Audio System
Camera System
Tiles System
Mini Map System
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